MTSU Holocaust Studies Program
Links of Interest
Holocaust Studies
- Tennessee Holocaust Commission
- The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
- Photographic Gallery of the Holocaust
- Holocaust Chronicle
- The Nizkor Project
- Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies: Virtual Museum
- Women and the Holocaust — A Cyberspace of Their Own
- Remember the Women Institute
- Women of Ravensbruck: Portraits of Courage
- The Pink Triangle Legacies Project
- Trans Holocaust History
- The Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies
- The Holocaust \ Shoah Page
- The Yad Vashem Homepage
- Gypsies in the Holocaust
- Sachsenhausen Museum for Roma and Sinti victims of the Holocaust
- Background: Life Before the Holocaust : Learning Voices of the Holocaust
For Teachers and Students
- Guidelines for Teachers: Define the Term ‘Holocaust’
- Teacher’s Guide to the Holocaust
- Holocaust Timeline
- Homosexuals: Victims of the Nazi Era
- A Teacher’s Guide to the Holocaust-Jehovah’s Witnesses
- Roma (Gypsy) Victims of the Holocaust: A Teachers Guide
- Holocaust Institute for Educators
- Gypsies in the Holocaust
- Music of the Holocaust
- Cybrary of the Holocaust:
- Children’s Holocaust Memorial & Paper Clip Project Website
- The Kindertransport Journey: Memory into History
- Afro-Europeans in The Holocaust: Sterilization for Black Youth
- The Disabled in the Holocaust: No Need for the Disabled
- An Overview of the Holocaust at the National World War II Museum
- Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation
Genocide Studies
Follow Us!
Contact Us
Holocaust Studies Program
c/o Dr Ashley Valanzola
Middle Tennessee State University
History Department / Box 231
301 E. Main St.
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
Email: Dr. Ashley Valanzola, Conference Chair